Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Well, there is a new post on another blog and it has a quote that it takes this consultant like 5 to 21 hours to do a SCC or a MK get together. Well my question is how long does it take you? I think that my average class takes about 2 hours from start to finish. I am not understanding how it could take someone 21 hours to do a class. I just don't understand it.

I know that there are things in any business that you don't get paid for however if you want your business to work you have to do these things. It is not just in MK it is in any business that you work. If I counted all the hours I did at my shop shoot I would be working 20 hours a day. Really this is silly I know I just want the average of each person and how long it takes.


Monday, September 1, 2008


Well, we are 15 days away from the first quarter ending. Where are you? Have you made it to Star consultant this quarter?

We have 15 days to complete the goal that we have set for ourselves. Where are you with your goal? And remember that if you don't make it. You can always readjust and go for it.

I think that when setting a goal you should set it a little higher than what you expect and see what happens. The thing with goals is that they are adjustable, they are not written in stone.

I hope that everyone makes the goals that they have set for themselves. Please share what goals you have set and what goals you have attained this quarter, and if you want to wait until the 15th to share that is OK too.

Have a GREAT DAY!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


The title says it all. Are you planting seeds and watering them that will come back and make your business better? Are you handing out cards and telling people that you are in MK? I am not talking about warm chattering I am talking about people that you are talking to already. Do they know that you own a MK business?

I truly believe if we are working our business it will come around and be what we want it to be.

You know you may tell someone about your MK business and they may not do anything about it at that time, however you have just planted a seed. And I am truly a believer of you reap what you sow. So if you are sowing your business I truly believe that you will reap the benefits of it.


Monday, August 25, 2008


Good morning!! Today starts a new school year for my girls. They go to a little school in the little town that we live in. With the start of school, we will have studies and test and the dreaded TAEKS test. We also have the start of sports. With the sports my attending MK meetings will end until after November the 4.

Anyway for those of you that pray please do so for the administrators of the schools all over the country. That they would lead in a firm however fair way. Pray for the teachers that they would have the patience that it takes to have our children learn what they need too. Pray for the kids that they will be willing to learn. Pray that those that are always in trouble would see that, that is not the way to go.

Since spankings are not allowed in our school anymore last year the cops were at the school at least 3 times a week taking kids off the campus to juvie hall. We live in the county seat so therefore it is here. Last year two 8th graders were pregnant and 2- 7th graders also. I think that we also need to pray that the moms and dads of these kids would become more involved with there kids.

I am asking those that pray please do so not just for our little school however for all schools all over the country. In my opinion that is the only thing that is going to help the schools.

Well, have a GREAT DAY.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Hey, everyone I just wanted to know what your MK business means to you? I think that we sometimes need to stand back and look. Do we see that glass as half full or half empty? Do we get so disappointed that we just don't want to do it? With disappointment do we try and find the silver lining? I guess what I am asking is if the Lord closes a door do you look for a window?

I know that sometimes it takes everything that we have to pick up that phone and talk to someone. I am working on this, however I was thinking tonight if you do pick up that phone and call and the person says "NO" on the other end, does that end your phone contact for the day? I am asking this because this is the hardest thing for me is to get on the phone. Sitting here tonight thinking about this you know that person isn't really saying "NO" to me personally she is saying "NO" to the offering. I think that we need to look at it that they might not want to so they say "NO" however they can't take your joy or your birthday or anything else. I think what I am trying to get out is that we make our own joy and we shouldn't let someone else rob us of that. I know that I get a little annoyed with people and I am working on this, it is my responsibility to keep my joy. That person doesn't have the power to take that.

Talking to David who is my hubby today he said you know we need to think outside the box. We need to see the dream that we have and go for it. Don't let anything or anyone stand in our way. Just to get out there and do it. We have to know that we are worthy of having it all. We just have to make up our mind what we want and go for it and let nothing stop us from that. So I guess what I am asking is "What does your MK business mean to you", what do you want it to change in your life? What are you willing to do to make this happen? Are you willing to become a little uncomfortable for a short time to have it turn into something that can prosper you to where you want to be? I know this is long, as I am working out my own feelings here.

So please share with me what you are willing to do and what you have done that has moved you toward where you want to be.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008


At our meeting last night our director is having us make our goals. I wasn't able to go to the meeting so I am going to her house today. With that said I would like for everyone to share their goals. I believe in my heart that if we write down were we want to go we will get there. It is like planning a trip if you don't have a plan you will never make it to your destination.

The thing with goals is that you set them and if you don't reach them there is no shame in that. You can always readjust them. You can set short term ones (weekly), not so short (monthly), a little longer (3 months), a little longer (6 months) little bit longer ( 1 year) and the a long one (2,3,4,5 years). I think that if you write it down it is more likely to happen. Then share it with someone (like here that will make you accountable for it), and we can discuss it at any time. I want everyone that wants to be successful with their business to do just that. As MKA says We are in business for ourselves, however not by ourselves.

So if you would like to share what you want out of this let's do it together and get it rolling. Anything else you would like to discuss just let me know and we can do that too.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008


How many of you went to Seminar?

What did you learn?

Was this your first or your tenth, how many Seminars have you attened?

How did this year compare?

Share with us what you learn and if you had a good time. I went to Seminar last year this year it wasn't possible for me to go and I wish that I could have. So next year I will have to plan better and just go. I am also going to try and make it to Career Conference, I know that some say these are just RAH RAH's however sometimes you need that. So I am planning better.

Share you thoughts and opinions.