Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I just wanted to add to the Mary Kay Way. I am reading the book for a second time, you know I think everyone in MK should read this book. It will give you an example of how Mary Kay Ash ran her business and how she wants the consultants to run theirs. From reading it the first time I believe that the Golden Rule this the most important thing in our business. You know if you put your feet in that other persons shoes.

MKA states that the heart of any company is it people that work for that company. You know that is so true. If your members of your team are not working then your company is not working. She gives an illustration of a company that bought a restaurant chain and then replaced all of the management team and guess what happened? That company starting failing so if you don't have people that love what they do they will not produce what the company needs produced.

If you don't know what to do in your MK business find someone that is successful and is where you want to go and pick their brain. Ask them exactly what they did to get where they are. I know that some will say book, sell and recruit. Pick their brain as to how to set those classes up what they actually did to set those classes. Ask them how they closed so that they received the sales that they did. Ask them how they booked classes from that class. Ask them how they offered the opportunity to that person that has an interest. Pick their brain and see how and what they did. That is not to say that you will do everything exactly word for word the way that they did, however you will have a guide as to what to do. If you haven't held any classes then ask you director or the person that recruited you to go to a class with you and ask for their opinion after. Now in the Mary Kay Way...Mary Kay says that we need to sandwich critizm in between praise. I believe this and I am working on it with my girls. I think that it is important.

I hope everyone has a Great Day.

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