Thursday, July 17, 2008


I would like those of you that visit my blog to share your MK accomplishments. Actually I would like you to share all your accomplishments. It is so encouraging to share so that you can cheer you on. I know that some think that a Rah Rah team is not necessary well let's take a look at this.

When you go to a football game do you have a RAH RAH team? Well yes you do. When you go to a Basketball game do you have a RAH RAH team? Well yes you do. The thing here is that praise is a great motivator. I think that it is important and people like it when they do something good that people like that recognized. So with that said please share all of your accomplishments no matter how big or small they are.



Shades of Pink said...

This morning I was on an excellent conference call with my NSD. She has a new monthly program for us to follow called the Masters Program. She wants us to become "Master Consultants" by doing 15-30 faces and 5-10 interviews each month. I can do 15 in July still. And I will!

Today I got one appointment on my book for next Saturday! :D

Pink Bren said...

Shades... that is GREAT and I know that you can do it. I will try to do this too. I will do it with you so that we have a team on the internet. This will be fun. And then we can be accountable to each other. I know that this business works when we work it. I can see directorship in both of our futures. Have a GREAT DAY.

MKheart said...

Can I be part of the team? I could really use some online power partners!!

Shades of Pink said...

Sure, mkheart! :)

I have more calls to make tomorrow. I have upcoming events I need guests for. I put off calling some of my leads because I don't want to book more than 2 weeks in advance. ;)

Pink Bren said...

MKHeart...yes sister the more the merrier.

MKheart said...

Thanks Girls!!

Pink Bren...Be safe!!! Storms can be very scary and very unpredictable.

Shades...I am the biggest procrastinator when it comes to phone calls. Another goal for the new year. "Get on the Phone"

Shades of Pink said...

My class for this Saturday postponed so I got on the phone and booked a facial instead! Signed a new team member today! :D Didn't get my calls in last night or tonight. Had to work late. :( Tomorrow is another day!

Pink Bren said...

Shades...Sister I am so proud of you. You are really rocking. That is GREAT. This is your RAH RAH section I kinda of like the RAH RAH.

Shades of Pink said...

LOL! I like the RAH RAH, too!

Today I held my facial appt! WOOT WOOT! Honestly, I thought she was going to pretend to not be home. I wasn't sure it was going to hold at all. I had called last night and left her a message that I was confirming and to call if she needed to cancel or reschedule. I said if I didn't hear from her I would be over at noon tomorrow. Well, she was there and it was great! She loves everything. She's on a budget so she is figuring out what she wants to order and then on Monday I'm taking her a Silent Hostess packet. She knows people at work who would probably buy things so I told her she could potentially get her basic set free! Now i have get the silent hostess stuff together! :D

Pink Bren said...

GIRL you are really rocking. That is GREAT. I know that this business works if we work it. here is a big TEXAS YYYYYIIIIIIPPPPPEEEE for you.

MKheart said...

I had a skin care class this past Friday. It is the first one that I have had in a while so I was nervous but....I sold almost $500 and got 1 booking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am also working on putting together some goody bags to take to the local hospital where a friend of mine works and see if I can get any leads from there!!!
Keeping my fingers crossed.

Pink Bren said...

MKHeart...I will be your RAH RAH team. That is wonderful you did GREAT in your class and a booking too. Please share how you got the booking I would like to know.

Here is your big Texas YYYYYIIIIPPPPEEEE, you are ROCKING sister.