Tuesday, August 26, 2008


The title says it all. Are you planting seeds and watering them that will come back and make your business better? Are you handing out cards and telling people that you are in MK? I am not talking about warm chattering I am talking about people that you are talking to already. Do they know that you own a MK business?

I truly believe if we are working our business it will come around and be what we want it to be.

You know you may tell someone about your MK business and they may not do anything about it at that time, however you have just planted a seed. And I am truly a believer of you reap what you sow. So if you are sowing your business I truly believe that you will reap the benefits of it.


1 comment:

Shades of Pink said...

This is so true! Handing out cards, telling people your business, wearing your pin will all plant the seed. Bringing guests to meeting may plant the idea of signing up themselves.

I've had people order from me that I never would have expected. They knew I sell MK and they came to me when they wanted to try something. :)