Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Hey, everyone I just wanted to know what your MK business means to you? I think that we sometimes need to stand back and look. Do we see that glass as half full or half empty? Do we get so disappointed that we just don't want to do it? With disappointment do we try and find the silver lining? I guess what I am asking is if the Lord closes a door do you look for a window?

I know that sometimes it takes everything that we have to pick up that phone and talk to someone. I am working on this, however I was thinking tonight if you do pick up that phone and call and the person says "NO" on the other end, does that end your phone contact for the day? I am asking this because this is the hardest thing for me is to get on the phone. Sitting here tonight thinking about this you know that person isn't really saying "NO" to me personally she is saying "NO" to the offering. I think that we need to look at it that they might not want to so they say "NO" however they can't take your joy or your birthday or anything else. I think what I am trying to get out is that we make our own joy and we shouldn't let someone else rob us of that. I know that I get a little annoyed with people and I am working on this, it is my responsibility to keep my joy. That person doesn't have the power to take that.

Talking to David who is my hubby today he said you know we need to think outside the box. We need to see the dream that we have and go for it. Don't let anything or anyone stand in our way. Just to get out there and do it. We have to know that we are worthy of having it all. We just have to make up our mind what we want and go for it and let nothing stop us from that. So I guess what I am asking is "What does your MK business mean to you", what do you want it to change in your life? What are you willing to do to make this happen? Are you willing to become a little uncomfortable for a short time to have it turn into something that can prosper you to where you want to be? I know this is long, as I am working out my own feelings here.

So please share with me what you are willing to do and what you have done that has moved you toward where you want to be.



MKheart said...

I am glad that you brought this subject up. My biggest set back in my Mary Kay business is the phone. I can have a list of people and numbers in front of me to call and I just stare at them. I don't know why it is so hard for me to just pick up the phone and make the calls. In a way I am afraid of saying the wrong things or the big one "REJECTION".
The more NO's I get the less names I have to call and then my leads will be gone and I will not have anyone on my list to call. YIKES!!!

Also, is it just me or does it seem the month should have just started? It is already almost the middle of August. It seems like I have such big goals at the beginning of the month and the next time I turn around it is the end of the month and I did not get anywhere. OOGGG!!! That is one of my biggest aggrevations. What do you do to keep this from happening and getting your month off to a jump start!

Shades of Pink said...

My business means freedom for me. The potential with Mary Kay is overwhelming to me at times, but I am pretty miserable at my day job. To be home based and self-employed is a dream!

Whenever I am frustrated at work I am more motivated to work my business and make my phone calls. When I think I could be home more which would allow me to be a better wife that is a great motivator. The thought of leaving my day job because I've replaced the income with my SALES is HUGE motivation!

mkheart, I know how you feel! I have a $3000 retail goal for August! I'm not doing so hot. I have about $2800 to go. YIKES! Getting on the phone is getting easier for me. Doing the calls during the day takes some of the pressure off. Can't explain why. It just feels better to me.
Let me ask you this. Where are your numbers from? Are they your current customers? Are they leads who filled out surveys? Are they people you talked to randomly while out and about? The circumstances under which you met them could play a role in your fear. I have people do surveys at my booth events. If they marked Yes to a facial I have less fear. If they said No, I don't call. I don't do confrontation. :P
I'm starting to contact my existing customers more. I owe it to them to keep them informed. I have been asking them for referrals and it is nice. They are happy to help!

Pink Bren said...

MKheart.. It is so hard for me to pick up the phone. However, today I am going to take my list to work with me and in my down time I am going to start calling. I have not done my PCP and I want to update my mailing list. This is scary to me however I have to remember that they can't take my Birthday away and all's that they can do is say "NO" and if they do then I will not send them one and I will move on. We have to remember that they are not saying "NO" to us they are saying "NO" to the offer. With that said we don't like "NO" however it will come and we just have to move on.

I know that this business works and it is a numbers game so we have to play it. The more that we contact the more that we are going to make. I don't like cold calling at all and don't do it. Shades has on her site about scavenger hunt I am not comfortable with that. I am not even comfortable with telling ladies that sit in my chair because I don't want to bother them however I am going to start asking them. If you are talking to someone that you don't know get a feel about them from that conversation and just ask if they would like your business card. Easier said than done I know.

I feel however if we are not willing to get out of our box then we will still be at the same place. You know most people that are in sales are willing to step out of the box. I am stepping today and will report back when I get home tonight about how it went. I am praying that it will go well. I don't know how many calls I will be able to make however I am going to try and get through my whole list.

Well I pray that everyone has a BLESSED DAY IN THE LORD AND A GREAT MK DAY.

MKheart said...

Thank you girls for all the advice and uplifting words.

Shades...most of my names right now are current customers, co-workers, and actually past team members that have not done much with the business in the past year or so. I need to get NEW names!! I need to start doing the booths like you do to get some leads. Goal for today!! 5 phone calls are also on my list to do everyday.

Pink Bren....I am very anctious to see how your day went yesterday.

I have a friend that is a nurse at the local hospital so I am going to take some goody bags over there today!!??? Wish me luck! I am REALLY nervous.

Pink Bren said...

WEll, ladies...I got busy at work and didn't make any calls. I took my list and it just wasn't going to happen.

MKHeart...you just keep the faith and keep on working it. I think that the gift bags are a great idea share with us what you are doing and what you put into your bags. How many did you hand out today. I think that you are doing GREAT keep it up. Have a GREAT EVENING

Shades....I am praying that you get your freedom. It will mean freedom to me to. David will be able to come home and either go to school or start a business of whatever he wants to do. I just don't want to go back to not having anything and that is why we are working this. I pray that all three of us get our business up and running and I pray that we all get the desires of our hearts.


Shades of Pink said...

Hey Bren! I have a present for you on my blog. I don't do the blog awards often, but I wanted to share. :)

mk4me said...

Hi Pink Bren, stopping by to say "hi" this is mk4me from Balanced.

All I can promise, is the more calls you make, the easier it gets. The more relaxed you are - the easier the calls get - the less you worry about the results the better the results get. (Honest). - Please take this in a good way, but it seems when you make your calls with an "I don't give a hoot" attitude, the results are more better.

What I do and teach my unit to do, and it is silly but fun, I have given them all cans, yup, cans like from vegetables, washed, of course, took the label off and made a label with a very attractive eye with and eyebrow and lashes on it. Under the picture of the eye, it says "I CAN"
get it?? I CAN NOT I can't- okay, I know sort of silly, but every time we go not to get on the phone and we do it anyway, we put a dollar in the can. At the end of the week, the end of the month, or whatever you decide, you take the money out of your I CAN- and do something fun for yourself, even if it is just go for a Dairy Queen sundae with a friend.

Hope those calls get easier!

Shades of Pink said...

oh mk4me! My NSD (Kathy Helou) had an "I Can" but she cut out EYES from photographs of her loved ones and some from magazines and pasted them all over the can. She displayed it at her appointments. She said that was her Eye Can and it represented her loved ones watching her giving her strength. Eye Can I Can! Pretty powerful if you think about it. :)

Pink Bren said...

MK4ME and SHADES... Those are great suggestions. I will do it I know I can. Like I said on Shades site once I get on the phone it is not that bad. I guess it is just the thought. However I get on the phone at my shop and doesn't bother me a bit. Who knows. It is a mental (yes sometimes I am mental hehehhhehe). I need to get on the phone. I am only 1200.00 from being a Ruby, I have never made it to Ruby before and that is my goal for this quater so I better get busy I know that it can be done and I will do it. Thanks for the advice and I will get my cans and get off my can and get busy. Have a GREAT DAY

Shades of Pink said...

That's awesome, Bren! I am $2800 away from Ruby. Yikes! I like the new look of your site. :)